The WorkStarter program seeks to create meaningful entry level jobs for high school graduates that aren't currently considering further education or career training. We do this by matching recent high school graduates with local non-profit organizations which employ them for a period of one year. WorkStarter donates the full cost of one year's employment to the non-profit organization.
The WorkStarter program is designed to benefit both the non-profit and the high school graduate. The non-profit has an additional human resource to help pursue its goals and the high school graduate earns a salary while demonstrating and further building job skills.
The WorkStarter program is funded through the Big Drawer Fund of the American Endowment Foundation. Since May, 2018 WorkStarter has successfully matched St Johns County High School graduates with the following organizations:
St Johns Housing Partnership
United Way of St Johns County
St Augustine Humane Society
Wildflower Healthcare
The St Augustine Lighthouse & Museum
St John's County, Florida